walt whitman once said do anything but let it produce joy. we are in the joy producing business and we take business seriously.

let us take your joy and magnify and distil and enhance it. craft and coax it into an hour that will make your spirits soar, your eyes water and your sides split. at the end of which you’ll be married to your best friend, have a tangible record to look back on it all, and one of sydneys funnest suburbs beneath your feet.

and you don’t have to do a thing. just turn up with an open mind, a smile on your lips, joy in your heart, with one eye on the heavens and the other looking for a little mischief.

What is shotgin all about? why do this at all?

We believe that rituals (when done right) can create meaning.

we believe in the act of getting married, and that the entire process is an invitation to reflect and critically think about why you love and want to publicly declare your love and commit to this person, and that that alone can be powerful.

we believe that how marriage starts is important.

we believe that a wedding - much like life - is best taken with a firm dash of irreverence, and that absurdity only serves to contrast and highlight the moments of romance and meaning.

We believe that doing all this as a couple should be as easy as possible.

ANd so shotgin was born.

who is a shotgin wedding for?

for those WANT A RAUCOUS, memorable and unique WEDDING WITHOUT THE HASSLE.

for those who want a matrimony to remember, but dont want to break the bank.

for those that know that life is best taken seriously and not seriously at the same time.

for those who don’t want a huge wedding, but who don’t want a by the numbers registry wedding with no heart, no soul, and no fun.

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